* This file is part of EC-CUBE
* Copyright(c) EC-CUBE CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
* http://www.ec-cube.co.jp/
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Eccube\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\Constraints\UniqueEntity;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
* Customer
* @ORM\Table(name="dtb_customer", uniqueConstraints={@ORM\UniqueConstraint(name="secret_key", columns={"secret_key"})}, indexes={@ORM\Index(name="dtb_customer_buy_times_idx", columns={"buy_times"}), @ORM\Index(name="dtb_customer_buy_total_idx", columns={"buy_total"}), @ORM\Index(name="dtb_customer_create_date_idx", columns={"create_date"}), @ORM\Index(name="dtb_customer_update_date_idx", columns={"update_date"}), @ORM\Index(name="dtb_customer_last_buy_date_idx", columns={"last_buy_date"}), @ORM\Index(name="dtb_customer_email_idx", columns={"email"})})
* @ORM\InheritanceType("SINGLE_TABLE")
* @ORM\DiscriminatorColumn(name="discriminator_type", type="string", length=255)
* @ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks()
* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Eccube\Repository\CustomerRepository")
class Customer extends \Eccube\Entity\AbstractEntity implements UserInterface, \Serializable
use \Customize\Entity\CustomerTrait, \Plugin\GmoPaymentGateway42\Entity\CustomerTrait;
* @var int
* @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", options={"unsigned":true})
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
private $id;
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="name01", type="string", length=255)
private $name01;
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="name02", type="string", length=255)
private $name02;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="kana01", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $kana01;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="kana02", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $kana02;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="company_name", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $company_name;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="postal_code", type="string", length=8, nullable=true)
private $postal_code;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="addr01", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $addr01;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="addr02", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $addr02;
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="email", type="string", length=255)
private $email;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="phone_number", type="string", length=14, nullable=true)
private $phone_number;
* @var \DateTime|null
* @ORM\Column(name="birth", type="datetimetz", nullable=true)
private $birth;
* @Assert\NotBlank()
* @Assert\Length(max=4096)
private $plain_password;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="password", type="string", length=255)
private $password;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="salt", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $salt;
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="secret_key", type="string", length=255)
private $secret_key;
* @var \DateTime|null
* @ORM\Column(name="first_buy_date", type="datetimetz", nullable=true)
private $first_buy_date;
* @var \DateTime|null
* @ORM\Column(name="last_buy_date", type="datetimetz", nullable=true)
private $last_buy_date;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="buy_times", type="decimal", precision=10, scale=0, nullable=true, options={"unsigned":true,"default":0})
private $buy_times = 0;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="buy_total", type="decimal", precision=12, scale=2, nullable=true, options={"unsigned":true,"default":0})
private $buy_total = 0;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="note", type="string", length=4000, nullable=true)
private $note;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="reset_key", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $reset_key;
* @var \DateTime|null
* @ORM\Column(name="reset_expire", type="datetimetz", nullable=true)
private $reset_expire;
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="point", type="decimal", precision=12, scale=0, options={"unsigned":false,"default":0})
private $point = '0';
* @var \DateTime
* @ORM\Column(name="create_date", type="datetimetz")
private $create_date;
* @var \DateTime
* @ORM\Column(name="update_date", type="datetimetz")
private $update_date;
* @var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Eccube\Entity\CustomerFavoriteProduct", mappedBy="Customer", cascade={"remove"})
private $CustomerFavoriteProducts;
* @var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Eccube\Entity\CustomerAddress", mappedBy="Customer", cascade={"remove"})
* @ORM\OrderBy({
* "id"="ASC"
* })
private $CustomerAddresses;
* @var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Eccube\Entity\Order", mappedBy="Customer")
private $Orders;
* @var \Eccube\Entity\Master\CustomerStatus
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Eccube\Entity\Master\CustomerStatus")
* @ORM\JoinColumns({
* @ORM\JoinColumn(name="customer_status_id", referencedColumnName="id")
* })
private $Status;
* @var \Eccube\Entity\Master\Sex
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Eccube\Entity\Master\Sex")
* @ORM\JoinColumns({
* @ORM\JoinColumn(name="sex_id", referencedColumnName="id")
* })
private $Sex;
* @var \Eccube\Entity\Master\Job
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Eccube\Entity\Master\Job")
* @ORM\JoinColumns({
* @ORM\JoinColumn(name="job_id", referencedColumnName="id")
* })
private $Job;
* @var \Eccube\Entity\Master\Country
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Eccube\Entity\Master\Country")
* @ORM\JoinColumns({
* @ORM\JoinColumn(name="country_id", referencedColumnName="id")
* })
private $Country;
* @var \Eccube\Entity\Master\Pref
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Eccube\Entity\Master\Pref")
* @ORM\JoinColumns({
* @ORM\JoinColumn(name="pref_id", referencedColumnName="id")
* })
private $Pref;
* Constructor
public function __construct()
$this->CustomerFavoriteProducts = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
$this->CustomerAddresses = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
$this->Orders = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
* @return string
public function __toString()
return (string) ($this->getName01().' '.$this->getName02());
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getRoles()
return ['ROLE_USER'];
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getUsername()
return $this->email;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function eraseCredentials()
// TODO: できればFormTypeで行いたい
public static function loadValidatorMetadata(ClassMetadata $metadata)
$metadata->addConstraint(new UniqueEntity([
'fields' => 'email',
'message' => 'form_error.customer_already_exists',
'repositoryMethod' => 'getNonWithdrawingCustomers',
* Get id.
* @return int
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Set name01.
* @param string $name01
* @return Customer
public function setName01($name01)
$this->name01 = $name01;
return $this;
* Get name01.
* @return string
public function getName01()
return $this->name01;
* Set name02.
* @param string $name02
* @return Customer
public function setName02($name02)
$this->name02 = $name02;
return $this;
* Get name02.
* @return string
public function getName02()
return $this->name02;
* Set kana01.
* @param string|null $kana01
* @return Customer
public function setKana01($kana01 = null)
$this->kana01 = $kana01;
return $this;
* Get kana01.
* @return string|null
public function getKana01()
return $this->kana01;
* Set kana02.
* @param string|null $kana02
* @return Customer
public function setKana02($kana02 = null)
$this->kana02 = $kana02;
return $this;
* Get kana02.
* @return string|null
public function getKana02()
return $this->kana02;
* Set companyName.
* @param string|null $companyName
* @return Customer
public function setCompanyName($companyName = null)
$this->company_name = $companyName;
return $this;
* Get companyName.
* @return string|null
public function getCompanyName()
return $this->company_name;
* Set postal_code.
* @param string|null $postal_code
* @return Customer
public function setPostalCode($postal_code = null)
$this->postal_code = $postal_code;
return $this;
* Get postal_code.
* @return string|null
public function getPostalCode()
return $this->postal_code;
* Set addr01.
* @param string|null $addr01
* @return Customer
public function setAddr01($addr01 = null)
$this->addr01 = $addr01;
return $this;
* Get addr01.
* @return string|null
public function getAddr01()
return $this->addr01;
* Set addr02.
* @param string|null $addr02
* @return Customer
public function setAddr02($addr02 = null)
$this->addr02 = $addr02;
return $this;
* Get addr02.
* @return string|null
public function getAddr02()
return $this->addr02;
* Set email.
* @param string $email
* @return Customer
public function setEmail($email)
$this->email = $email;
return $this;
* Get email.
* @return string
public function getEmail()
return $this->email;
* Set phone_number.
* @param string|null $phone_number
* @return Customer
public function setPhoneNumber($phone_number = null)
$this->phone_number = $phone_number;
return $this;
* Get phone_number.
* @return string|null
public function getPhoneNumber()
return $this->phone_number;
* Set birth.
* @param \DateTime|null $birth
* @return Customer
public function setBirth($birth = null)
$this->birth = $birth;
return $this;
* Get birth.
* @return \DateTime|null
public function getBirth()
return $this->birth;
* @param string|null $password
* @return $this
public function setPlainPassword(?string $password): self
$this->plain_password = $password;
return $this;
* @return string|null
public function getPlainPassword(): ?string
return $this->plain_password;
* Set password.
* @param string|null $password
* @return Customer
public function setPassword($password = null)
$this->password = $password;
return $this;
* Get password.
* @return string|null
public function getPassword()
return $this->password;
* Set salt.
* @param string|null $salt
* @return Customer
public function setSalt($salt = null)
$this->salt = $salt;
return $this;
* Get salt.
* @return string|null
public function getSalt()
return $this->salt;
* Set secretKey.
* @param string $secretKey
* @return Customer
public function setSecretKey($secretKey)
$this->secret_key = $secretKey;
return $this;
* Get secretKey.
* @return string
public function getSecretKey()
return $this->secret_key;
* Set firstBuyDate.
* @param \DateTime|null $firstBuyDate
* @return Customer
public function setFirstBuyDate($firstBuyDate = null)
$this->first_buy_date = $firstBuyDate;
return $this;
* Get firstBuyDate.
* @return \DateTime|null
public function getFirstBuyDate()
return $this->first_buy_date;
* Set lastBuyDate.
* @param \DateTime|null $lastBuyDate
* @return Customer
public function setLastBuyDate($lastBuyDate = null)
$this->last_buy_date = $lastBuyDate;
return $this;
* Get lastBuyDate.
* @return \DateTime|null
public function getLastBuyDate()
return $this->last_buy_date;
* Set buyTimes.
* @param string|null $buyTimes
* @return Customer
public function setBuyTimes($buyTimes = null)
$this->buy_times = $buyTimes;
return $this;
* Get buyTimes.
* @return string|null
public function getBuyTimes()
return $this->buy_times;
* Set buyTotal.
* @param string|null $buyTotal
* @return Customer
public function setBuyTotal($buyTotal = null)
$this->buy_total = $buyTotal;
return $this;
* Get buyTotal.
* @return string|null
public function getBuyTotal()
return $this->buy_total;
* Set note.
* @param string|null $note
* @return Customer
public function setNote($note = null)
$this->note = $note;
return $this;
* Get note.
* @return string|null
public function getNote()
return $this->note;
* Set resetKey.
* @param string|null $resetKey
* @return Customer
public function setResetKey($resetKey = null)
$this->reset_key = $resetKey;
return $this;
* Get resetKey.
* @return string|null
public function getResetKey()
return $this->reset_key;
* Set resetExpire.
* @param \DateTime|null $resetExpire
* @return Customer
public function setResetExpire($resetExpire = null)
$this->reset_expire = $resetExpire;
return $this;
* Get resetExpire.
* @return \DateTime|null
public function getResetExpire()
return $this->reset_expire;
* Set createDate.
* @param \DateTime $createDate
* @return Customer
public function setCreateDate($createDate)
$this->create_date = $createDate;
return $this;
* Get createDate.
* @return \DateTime
public function getCreateDate()
return $this->create_date;
* Set updateDate.
* @param \DateTime $updateDate
* @return Customer
public function setUpdateDate($updateDate)
$this->update_date = $updateDate;
return $this;
* Get updateDate.
* @return \DateTime
public function getUpdateDate()
return $this->update_date;
* Add customerFavoriteProduct.
* @param \Eccube\Entity\CustomerFavoriteProduct $customerFavoriteProduct
* @return Customer
public function addCustomerFavoriteProduct(CustomerFavoriteProduct $customerFavoriteProduct)
$this->CustomerFavoriteProducts[] = $customerFavoriteProduct;
return $this;
* Remove customerFavoriteProduct.
* @param \Eccube\Entity\CustomerFavoriteProduct $customerFavoriteProduct
* @return boolean TRUE if this collection contained the specified element, FALSE otherwise.
public function removeCustomerFavoriteProduct(CustomerFavoriteProduct $customerFavoriteProduct)
return $this->CustomerFavoriteProducts->removeElement($customerFavoriteProduct);
* Get customerFavoriteProducts.
* @return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getCustomerFavoriteProducts()
return $this->CustomerFavoriteProducts;
* Add customerAddress.
* @param \Eccube\Entity\CustomerAddress $customerAddress
* @return Customer
public function addCustomerAddress(CustomerAddress $customerAddress)
$this->CustomerAddresses[] = $customerAddress;
return $this;
* Remove customerAddress.
* @param \Eccube\Entity\CustomerAddress $customerAddress
* @return boolean TRUE if this collection contained the specified element, FALSE otherwise.
public function removeCustomerAddress(CustomerAddress $customerAddress)
return $this->CustomerAddresses->removeElement($customerAddress);
* Get customerAddresses.
* @return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getCustomerAddresses()
return $this->CustomerAddresses;
* Add order.
* @param \Eccube\Entity\Order $order
* @return Customer
public function addOrder(Order $order)
$this->Orders[] = $order;
return $this;
* Remove order.
* @param \Eccube\Entity\Order $order
* @return boolean TRUE if this collection contained the specified element, FALSE otherwise.
public function removeOrder(Order $order)
return $this->Orders->removeElement($order);
* Get orders.
* @return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getOrders()
return $this->Orders;
* Set status.
* @param \Eccube\Entity\Master\CustomerStatus|null $status
* @return Customer
public function setStatus(Master\CustomerStatus $status = null)
$this->Status = $status;
return $this;
* Get status.
* @return \Eccube\Entity\Master\CustomerStatus|null
public function getStatus()
return $this->Status;
* Set sex.
* @param \Eccube\Entity\Master\Sex|null $sex
* @return Customer
public function setSex(Master\Sex $sex = null)
$this->Sex = $sex;
return $this;
* Get sex.
* @return \Eccube\Entity\Master\Sex|null
public function getSex()
return $this->Sex;
* Set job.
* @param \Eccube\Entity\Master\Job|null $job
* @return Customer
public function setJob(Master\Job $job = null)
$this->Job = $job;
return $this;
* Get job.
* @return \Eccube\Entity\Master\Job|null
public function getJob()
return $this->Job;
* Set country.
* @param \Eccube\Entity\Master\Country|null $country
* @return Customer
public function setCountry(Master\Country $country = null)
$this->Country = $country;
return $this;
* Get country.
* @return \Eccube\Entity\Master\Country|null
public function getCountry()
return $this->Country;
* Set pref.
* @param \Eccube\Entity\Master\Pref|null $pref
* @return Customer
public function setPref(Master\Pref $pref = null)
$this->Pref = $pref;
return $this;
* Get pref.
* @return \Eccube\Entity\Master\Pref|null
public function getPref()
return $this->Pref;
* Set point
* @param string $point
* @return Customer
public function setPoint($point)
$this->point = $point;
return $this;
* Get point
* @return string
public function getPoint()
return $this->point;
* String representation of object
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/serializable.serialize.php
* @return string the string representation of the object or null
* @since 5.1.0
public function serialize()
// see https://symfony.com/doc/2.7/security/entity_provider.html#create-your-user-entity
// CustomerRepository::loadUserByUsername() で Status をチェックしているため、ここでは不要
return serialize([
* Constructs the object
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/serializable.unserialize.php
* @param string $serialized <p>
* The string representation of the object.
* </p>
* @return void
* @since 5.1.0
public function unserialize($serialized)
$this->salt) = unserialize($serialized);